
"Artful Wool Lock Embellishment: Crafting Friendly Faux Fur"

Unleash your creativity and elevate your outerwear with our unique "Artful Wool Lock Embellishment" workshop. Dive into the world of innovative crafting as you createn a jackets or coats into fashionable pieces of wearable art using wool locks. Step beyond conventional fur alternatives and craft your very own "friendly fur" texture that's as stylish as it is sustainable.In this hands-on workshop, you'll acquire a range of skills that will empower you to design and create distinctive, fur-inspired textures using wool locks. You'll discover the intricate techniques behind felting these locks achieving a soft, touchable surface that mimics the appearance of fur. 

Workshop details

  • Artboard 1Created with Sketch (

    Difficulty level: Advanced*

  • Optimal number of participants: 7-9

  • Timing: 8 hours/6 working days

* for participants without any clothing making experience, it is suggested to create a vest

Learning outcomes

What You'll Learn:● how to take measurements.● how to build shoulder patterns adapted for felting based on their measurements. Later, one can independently make a pattern for another person.● modelling on a basic pattern and create different models of cloths. Note: different types of silhouette can be made on a basic pattern.● how to correctly and proportionally increase the pattern with a different wool shrinkage coefficient.● how to pre-make wool layouts, as well as another method of laying wool. The nesting method allows easily control the uniformity of shrinkage of the product, and gives a soft, easily draped fabric.● about working with sander.● different method of felting in volume.● how to make a felt product with smooth and straight edges.● how to create a product according to your design, taking into account your figure.● Wool Lock Application: Master the art of securely felting wool locks creating a seamless and stunning effect.● Texture Play: Experiment with different placement and densities of wool locks to craft various fur-like textures, from sleek and sophisticated to cozy and voluminous.● Color Blending: Learn the art of blending wool locks of different colors to achieve captivating ombre effects or intricate patterns that bring your creations to life.● Design Harmony: Develop an eye for balance and harmony as you choose wool lock arrangements that complement the jacket or coat's existing style.● Personal Expression: Express your unique style by customizing each piece with your preferred colors, textures, and patterns, turning your outerwear into a true representation of your individuality.
